How to Make YOUTUBE Tutorials LIKE A BOSS

Kakafu! I missed my Tuesday deadline!

My goal for this year is to release one Youtube video every Tuesday, so when I miss a deadline, it puts more pressure on the next video.

I usually start with a simple idea, but sometimes, somehow, it turns into a monster project!

Ok, so this week’s delayed monster project is the ultimate meta Youtube tutorial.

It is a Youtube tutorial on how to create Youtube tutorials.

I should have realized that making a tutorial about making tutorials would take double the work.

So if you have been curious about what it takes to create a good Youtube educational video, I hope you find the fruit of my labour useful.

Here is the meta-youtube-tutorial!


I have realized that anyone who wants to make a living teaching online must also become good at filmmaking.

Filmmaking is an art in itself. It combines many disciplines that regular classroom teachers may not be familiar with, such as; learning how to talk to a camera, recording yourself, using video equipment, video editing, scriptwriting, story telling, and even a bit of acting.

Most top educational Youtubers have mastered all those disciplines, and they make it look easy, but it is not!

My wife can tell you how many times I swear at my computer while working on a new video. (I think 90% of the Spanish words she has to learn from me are curse words – Actually, probably it is closer to 99%.)

However, even after all the sweat and tears, I do enjoy creating these tutorials. Making educational videos is something I have enjoyed for a long time, and I hope to keep doing it for many years to come.

Is there anything you would like to learn next?

Hit reply and let me know!

Peace, Love, Meta-Cookies.

Miguel @

P.S: Like these tutorials? Subscribe to my Youtube channel here →


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