Create Online Challenges with ChallengeApp

2022 is almost here, and maybe you’re already thinking about your new year’s resolutions.

What are you going to accomplish in 2022?

Will you start a diet? Work out more often? Launch an online course? Read more books? Save more money? Invest in NFTs? Learn a new skill?

What’s your plan to keep up with your goals?

One common solution is to join a challenge.

Challenges are great because they help you keep accountable.

A few years ago, I organized a 12-week course creation challenge.

25 people out of 132 completed the entire challenge; that is, they submitted their assignments every week and created a course.

That is high compared to the typical completion rate for online courses (less than 10%).

Back then, I built a very complex tool with Google Sheets and forms to keep track of all participants, submissions, scores, and leaderboard.

The system worked well but was a bit of a Frankensteiniac system.

I always thought a tool like that, albeit more polished, could be great to help anyone launch and manage their own challenges.

However, coding a challenge platform from scratch was not something I had the time and will to do back then.

But that has changed thanks to Glide, my favorite no-code app-building tool.

Over the weekend, I’ve rebuilt the entire challenge tool from scratch using Glide, and it looks, feels, and functions beautifully!

I’ve called this tool ChallengeApp.

ChallengeApp is a fully-customizable mobile app to create, launch, and manage online challenges.

As an administrator, you’ll be able to manage participants, add co-organizers, assign daily or weekly goals, approve submissions, reward winners, and much more!

Here is a video explaining how it works:  

You can test the app here →

With ChallengeApp, you can create all kinds of online challenges:

  • Writing challenges
  • Fitness challenges
  • Dieting challenges
  • Content creation challenges
  • Language learning challenges
  • Meditation challenges
  • Morning routine challenges
  • Productivity challenges

Challenges are a great tool to create awareness and generate leads for your brand and products.

So if you have a product and are looking to grow your audience, I think ChallengeApp could be the perfect tool for you.

You can grab a copy of the template at →

Hurry! This awesometastic offer expires in 48 hours!

Peace, Love, and Challenge-Cookies.

Miguel @

P.S. What would you like to accomplish next year? Would you like to join a challenge? I’d love to hear more about your goals, and based on your feedback, I can launch challenge (with my app!) on January. Creating a course? Launching a YouTube channel? building your first mobile app?… Let me know!





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2 thoughts on “Create Online Challenges with ChallengeApp

  1. Lisa Black Reply

    Hi is this app still available for purchase? Is this only to join challenges? Can I use it to create and host my own challenges?

    • Miguel Hernandez Post authorReply

      Yes. It is still available and you can use it to create, manage, and join online challenges.

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