QuizAi - Generate Quizzes with Glide + OpenAI

My new app can quiz you on anything ✨

I keep testing the limits of Glide + generative AI.

It turns out, ChatGPT can generate pretty good multiple-choice quizzes on almost any subject matter you can think of.

Not only that, you can upload a PDF or link to an online article and it can quiz you on it too.

The challenge was to encapsulate that functionality on a proper app using Glide.

After several days tinkering with the logic, I’m happy to announce I managed to get it all working.

I’m calling this new Glide template “QuizAI

QuizAI is a fully-customizable Glide template that can generate multiple-choice quizzes from either a text prompt, a PDF document, or a link to an online article (e.g. Wikipedia article)

In addition, you can:

  • Add/remove/change questions and answers to further customize the generated quizzes.
  • Track quiz submissions and scores on a leaderboard.
  • Edit your AI prompts to fine-tune how quizzes are generated.
  • Set completion time limits per quiz.
  • Restrict number of attempts per quiz.
  • Modify the template’s design using Glide’s intuitive drag-&-drop app builder.

QuizAI is the perfect tool to test your knowledge on any subject and to learn how to leverage Glide’s OpenAI integration to build powerful apps!

Check out how this template works here → [ WATCH VIDEO HERE ]

You can get a copy of this template here → https://grumo.com/quizai

Peace. Love. and Quizzy-Cookies!

Miguel @ Grumo.com

P.S. Want to learn how to build apps with Glide? for more Glide tutorials make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel → HERE.




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