Hola Super Grumer!
The last thing you want is to spend months creating your online course, launch it, and boom! No sales.
There could be many reasons why this can happen… a small market, too much competition, targetting the wrong buyers, etc.
But one reason for low sales that gets overlooked very often is the course sales page.
A good sales page’s job is to convert visitors into buyers, and for that to happen, it has to PERSUADE.
You’ll notice that all the top instructors and gurus have pretty long sales pages. You can bet they’ve done a lot of research to ensure that they have all the necessary elements to get people to buy their course.
In this week’s tutorial, I’ll walk you step-by-step through what all those elements are and how to implement them into your own sales page, so when you launch your course, you hear ka-thing and not crickets.
You can watch the tutorial here → CLICK TO WATCH TUTORIAL
And that’s all for today!
Thanks for being awesome.
Peace, Love, and High-Converting-Cookies,
Miguel @ Grumo.com
P.S. Are you enjoying these tutorials? You can check them all out by subscribing to my Youtube channel at here → https://grumo.com/subscribe
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