Happy Holidays my dear Grumo Sapiens of the world and beyond!
2017 has been an amazing year. Pivoting from producing demo videos and creating online courses to building an educational platform.
Building a tech startup is something I had always wanted to do way before I started Grumo Media.
My first attempt was back in 2008 and although it was a failure, it taught me many lessons which I found very useful when running my animation studio and which I hope will serve me well on my new startup endeavor.
2018 is poised to be one of the busiest and most exciting years ever.
I can’t wait to share news and adventures as they unfold, so stay tuned!
Thank you for all your support. Especially to those that have been following me from way before I started writing this newsletter. Some as far as when I started producing demo videos back in 2010.
May you have an awesome 2018 filled with buckets and buckets of love, peace, and you got it… COOKIES!!!
Miguel (aka Grumo) & Beth (the Grumowife)
P.S: If you know anyone interested in running an online bootcamp in 2018, tell them to submit their application to join our second cohort of instructors here -> https://mench.co/launch
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