Launching Voiz – The Top Destination for Short Audio Advice

Miguel reporting from the land of the Grumos.

Imagine having the top advice from over 1,000 experts instantly available right in your pocket…

How much would that be worth to you?

$10K? $50K? $100K?….

I’m going to be completely transparent.

The main purpose of this email is to inspire you to become an early user and backer of Voiz, my new audio-advice app.

I truly believe (as do my 100 beta testers) that Voiz could become the top destination for bite-sized expert advice in the world.

For only $29 dollars, you’ll get

  • 2 full years of access to the Voiz app (85% discount),
  • 1-month access to all my courses. Over 250 hours of training in course creation, online marketing, and video production.
  • CourseApp: fully customizable app to sell online courses ($49)
  • QuizApp: fully customizable app to deliver online quizzes ($49)
  • PLUS TWO MORE Insanely ridiculous bonuses (disclosed at the end of this email)

In this email, I’ll explain what is Voiz, how it came about, why I think it is an amazing app, and why you should get access to it this week!

But If you don’t need further convincing, already tested Voiz, want to support an independent creator (yours truly) and want to save yourself from some reading, go ahead and get access to Voiz (PLUS all bonuses) right now by clicking the button below:

(Offer valid until Friday, April 16th @ 11:59pm)

Still here?

Ok, let’s start with the What…

What is Voiz?

Voiz is a mobile app designed to help you find all the advice and inspiration you’ll ever need from some of the most extraordinary people in the world (past and present).

Whether you’re looking for entrepreneurial or marketing advice, health, finance, or general life advice, Voiz will the place for you.

I’m super excited about it. There are already 100 beta users benefiting from it already.

This week, I would love for you to join the Voiz community too!

But I haven’t even tried Voiz yet?

What? Then you’re totally missing out. You can do that now → HERE

You’ll have until this Friday at 11:59 pm to test the app for free.

After that, it will be closed and available to paid members only.

After that, it will also cost $99 a year to join (and you can get 2 years now for only $29).

Why I created Voiz?

I was inspired by Tim Ferriss’s book Tribe of Mentors.

In that book, Tim used the same 11 questions to extract a tremendous wealth of advice from 160 world-class experts in entrepreneurship, finance, health, science, fitness, and the arts.

It made for a great coffee table reference book. Most of the mentors’ answers were short and condensed years of experience in just a few paragraphs.

The only problem is that the book is over 400 pages long, and traversing the answers to find golden nuggets was difficult.

Solution: To build a mobile app to simplify traversing all the advice, finding those golden nuggets, and saving them for later reading.

I built the app and was lucky enough to get it into Tim’s radar, thanks to a mutual connection.

Tim showed interest in the app but was too busy (no surprise) to pay attention to this app.

The Pivot: All that effort was not going to go in vain. I still thought the concept of portable and accessible short expert advice had potential.

I took Tim’s app framework and converted it into my own app – Voiz.

Why did you call the app Voiz?

I called it Voiz because I wanted all the advice to be spoken directly by the experts themselves (Voiz means voice in old French).

I’m a big fan of podcasts and audiobooks. I love to take walks and listen to interviews. Many nights I fall asleep listening to a podcast or an audiobook.

I like the intimacy of the human voice. When I take a break, I like to listen instead of watching content (I spend way too many hours staring at a screen as it is).

I love the freedom audio gives me to do other things while I learn or get inspired by the speakers’ many remarkable stories.

How do I know Voiz has great potential?

Because I asked you!

I invited 100 people on my list to beta test the app and shared their feedback.

Then, I got on 25 Zoom calls to speak face-to-face and dig deeper into why testers liked or disliked the app.

Overall, 24 people loved the app (1 didn’t like it and told me I should stick to eating cookies, and we aren’t friends anymore).

From the calls, I took about 30 pages of notes that gave me a ton of ideas to improve the app and make it into something people would be willing to invest in accessing.

So what problem does Voiz solve?

If you’re like me, you don’t have enough hours to consume all the great content out there.

With hundreds of thousands of podcasts to choose from, online courses, books, millions of tutorials on YouTube, there is simply too much content to go through.

Many beta testers mentioned that they spend dozens of hours on YouTube every week learning new stuff. Most of the time, what starts as looking for a simple tutorial becomes a multi-hour video binge-watching marathon.

Next thing you know, half of your day is gone, and you feel like crap for accomplishing nothing.

Podcasts are great, but they tend to be quite long, especially since Joe Rogan started to popularize the long-form 2 to 3-hour podcast.

Many of my beta testers feel overwhelmed with so much content. They just want the golden nuggets and are frustrated by all the fluff.

That’s why they loved Voiz. Even though Voiz doesn’t have much content (yet), it was enough to get the gist of what it feels like to listen to highly curated content.

Voiz rather than shows or episodes is broken down into 2 to 5-minute concise answers to important questions by highly qualified experts.

Entering Voiz is like entering a museum or a jewellery store where all items are carefully curated (by me for now, but eventually by a team of curators).

Think of these experts’ answers as gems. Voiz is full of these gems.

Some of these audio gems are old (Richard Feynman), some more recent (Elon Musk), but like diamonds, they are precious, and if listened at the right time in your life, they could be priceless.

What did beta testers have to say so far?

I think the best way to convey why Voiz is so awesome is by sharing some of the things my beta users had to say:

  • Greg loved the mix of famous and less-known experts and was actually more inspired by what the less famous people had to say.
  • Ines was surprised to listen to Elon Musk explaining why he doesn’t give a damn about your degree when hiring for Tesla or SpaceX.
  • Paul fell in love with Voiz after listening to 7 experts sharing their unique perspectives on when to quit a project or push on.
  • Tim loves the intimacy and emotional impact the human voice can have and said, “Each answer is like a shot of inspiration expresso.”
  • Nele loves Voiz because it exposes her to people that bring inspiring messages, alternative thoughts, and innovative ideas (Nele has applied to become an Official Voiz Curator)
  • Gustavo is already into content curation and loves Voiz potential (He also applied to become an Official Voiz Curator)
  • Peter (my accountant) loves the idea of getting relevant information from top entrepreneurs down to people easily, quickly.

That is just some of the feedback I got over the last two weeks from beta users.

Like I say, I took 30 pages of notes (a lot of them suggestions for new features and improvements).

I can’t wait for many of you to experience your own “aha” moments when testing Voiz for the first time!

You can get 85% off a 2 year subscription to Voiz → HERE.

Why are you charging for this app?

At the end of each call, I asked all my testers if they would be willing to pay for an app like Voiz and how much.

To my surprise, most people said they would be willing to pay for it.

The suggestions varied from $2 up to $15 a month.

Based on that, I settled for $99 a year (It’s also the same as a Blinkist, a comparable service that summarizes books)

But I haven’t answered the question: Why am I charging for the app?

Reason 1: The ultimate validation for any product is when you charge for it. You can get a million people saying they love your product, but if no one is willing to give you money for it, then you’re not solving a real problem.

Reason 2: Building any product requires a ton of resources. Hiring people, paying for servers, marketing, coffee, and a ton of cookies. Those things cost money!

Do you have any paying customers already?

I do!

My first customer is one of my beta testers and the very person that suggested for me to offer 2 years of Voiz access for $29.

Right after our call, this person put his money where his mouth was and paid me $29 → HERE.

This person has many years of experience selling software.

We had a long discussion about pricing, and convinced me to basically send this email today with this offer (but this offer gets much better, so keep reading…)

BTW, how awesome it is that your own app testers not only tell you how to improve your app, but how much to charge and actually PAY you for it!

But isn’t Voiz still unfinished?

The core product is fully functional. That is, you can create an account, log in, and listen to over 150+ pieces of audio advice.

There are still many improvements to be made, and I want to add thousands of more answers.

Within 2 years, I’d like to have at least 1,000 experts in Voiz with an average of 5 answers each. That’s 5,000 audio clips of highly curated content.

But that will take time and capital. That’s why I’m charging early for the app and why it is a good deal to join now.

When you get access to Voiz this week, you’re making an investment in the future of this app. You’re helping me make sure that I can fulfill its mission to become the top destination for short expert advice in the world.

In other words, when you invest your $29 today is because you ultimately believe the world would benefit from having an app like Voiz existing.

How do I know you’re not going to quit working on Voiz next week?

Investing early in any project has its risks. There are many variables that could kill any startup—lack of funding, lack of traction, lack of cookies, you name it.

I will do my best to invest your $29 into growing Voiz into something you and I are proud of. And because it’s such early days, you will get to have a voice (I mean voiz) on how the app evolves.

Now, if in a couple of months everything goes to the gutter, at least you’ll know for sure your $29 didn’t go to enrich Jeff Bezos or some other faceless mega-corporation.

I’m the only face and employee of this cookie-corporation called Grumo. I am the only Grumo there is. Is Grumo worth your $29 bucks?

If you had enough and are like: “Shut up and take my money you Cookie-Eating-Bastardo,.” Just click → HERE


If you made it this far, good for you. You deserve a medal or, in this case, an irresistible bonus offer that will make your $29 the steal of the century.

If you buy Voiz before the end of this Friday, on top of 2 years of access to the app, you will also get the following:

  • 1 Month access to all my courses: Over 250 hours of training in course creation, online marketing, and video production.
  • CourseApp: my app to sell online courses ($49 value)
  • QuizApp: my app to sell online quizzes ($49 value)
  • 3 Virtual cookies: no need to wait for that. Here they are 1.🍪, 3.🍪, and 3🍪
  • My eternal gratitude in Spanish → Gracias eternas!

Ready to take action? Just click on the button below and get all of that for only $29!

(Offer valid until Friday, April 16th @ 11:59pm)

Thanks for your support.

Miguel @

P.S. More to come… over the next few days, I’ll send your 3 more emails where I’ll dig deeper into the What and Why of Voiz. My goal is to convince you why supporting this project now is a no-brainer and maybe one of the best investments you make this year. Vamos!

P.2. For realz, this offer expires on Friday. Take advantage of it → OMG HERE!







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