Do you like movies? 🍿✨

Years ago, my friend Dan and I launched an app to save book, movie, and band recommendations.

Can you guess what we called the app?

Well… the app was called BooksFilmsBands πŸ˜…

We realized that in a large percentage of our conversations with friends, someone would always end up recommending something to watch, read, or listen to.

Unless you have a good memory, by the end of the night (especially after a few 🍻), you will forget many things… let alone any movie or book recommendations.

Some people have great memories, but most people don’t (I can barely remember what I had for breakfast today… wait, I know… I didn’t have breakfast because I never have breakfast! ← that was easy to remember).

Other humanoids use a notes app, Google Sheets, or equivalent.

We wanted something cooler where all those recommendations could be nicely kept for future use.

So we forked a bunch of money and hired an app developer to build BFB.

That was about 9 years ago!

The app was never a great success, and we never monetized it.

For a while, we had a spike in users from Brazil, but we never knew why it suddenly became so popular there (are Brazilians big movie buffs?).

Unfortunately, recently the App Store stopped supporting our app because we never updated it.

To make matters worse, we never stored your movie recommendations on the cloud, so if you changed devices and forgot to back up your movies… you lost them all!

Of course, many competitors with similar ideas came and went.

Today, there is a similar app called Likewise with over 6 million downloads (I tried it, and it sucks morcillas).

Ok, the good news…

Now, you can build your movie recommendation app in a few minutes for bupkis!


With Glide, of course, my favorite no-code app building tool.

Actually, I’ve already built the app, and you can test it πŸ‘‰ here.

I even recorded a full tutorial explaining step by step how to build a similar app.

It’s called MovieApp and you can learn how to build it here β†’ [ WATCH VIDEO HERE ]​

The app uses Glide’s Fetch JSON feature to search movie data from

It’s a great template to learn how to use Glide to build apps!

The template allows multiple users to save their favorite movies. Mark movies as watched, rate movies, and even create custom movie lists.

Whether you’re looking to learn how to use Glide to build apps, or simply want an easy and intuitive way to keep track of your favorite films, this app template is the perfect solution!

You can grab a copy for 50% OFF at β†’​

(NOTE: Discount offer will expire in this Friday/Midnight PST)

Peace. Love. 🍿s.

Miguel @

P.S. Are you new to building apps? Glide is an amazing tool to build apps in record time. If you want to learn the ins and outs of Glide make sure to check my online course β†’ HERE​

P.2: My apologies. I know a few of my dear readers (you know who you are) lost all their movie/book/band recommendations after Apple removed BFB from the App Store. Unfortunately, there is little that can be done to recover them short of jailbreaking your iPhone and using some shady tool to extract the internal database (only do so if you know what you’re doing!). I know it’s not the same, but you can either try my new app, build your own (with my tutorial), or download Likewise (our horrendous nemesis.) – Either way, I want to thank all former and current users (wink to my father-in-law) for using BFB, recommending it to friends, and hopefully finding much joy reading, watching, and listening to great content over the years! πŸ™Œ

P.3: The cloud β›…️ – Unlike the former BFB, MovieApp will save recommendations on the cloud. So as long as someone doesn’t lose the cloud, your movie picks will perdure beyond the life of your device. Ah! MovieApp only saves movies… one day, I may do another version that also saves books and bands… or you can do it too!






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