EP09: Brain soup is good for you

Warning: 86% of what you are about to read is total and utter bullcrap. Which 14% is true it's up to you to guess. Good luck!

Brains, brains, brains… hmmm, yummy!

Did you know eating two pounds of raw brain a day for a month can increase your IQ by 15%?

Well, now you know.

For the last month I’ve been eating raw pig brains for lunch and dinner and I’m now officially 15% smarter than 30 days ago.


I also have 30% less friends than 30 days ago.

Not sure why.

If I keep this up for 2 more months I will be 45% smarter and 90% friendless.

I’m not sure if my friends are leaving me because I’m smarter or because I’ve changed my diet.

I have to admit. The more brains I eat the dumber my friends seem to be.

It’s ok. I don’t need dumb friends.

I started to develop an appetite for brains while taking “Fundamentals Of Neuroscience“, a free online course taught by Dr. David Cox at Harvard University.

I thoroughly enjoyed that course. Mentally, spiritually, and culinarily.

If you are a zombie you’ll love that online course too.

If you are not a zombie but are curious about brains, you are not alone. Brain dishes are common in many cultures. Some people love scrambled brains with eggs. I’ve heard brain tacos are really tasty too.

I’ll spare you the pictures.

How smart you will get depends on how smart the pig was. According to an anonymous fake article by the National Enquirer, it’s been unscientifically proven that pigs that were raised listening to Beethoven and read nursery rhymes cybernetically composed by IBM Watson from excerpts taken from “De Brevitate Vitae” by Seneca The Younger, have developed brains with an IQ almost twice as high as average run of the mill piggies.

Unfortunately, the only farm that bred those brilliant pigs went out of business after being raided by a swarm of apocalyptic zombies back in 1967. Not surprisingly, the farm was located smack in the heart of Area 51.

Don’t fret, a quick Google search yields hundreds of sites with easy step-by-step DIY instructions explaining how one can raise their own savant piggies at home.

If you are not into brain snacks but are interested in nourishing your own grey matter with some tasty neuroscientific knowledge, I highly recommend you take a look at the aforementioned HarvardX course and/or listen to a few episodes of one of my favorite podcasts aptly called, The Brain Science Podcast by Ginger Campbell, MD.

My favorite episode happens to be the only one I’ve listen to so far. It’s episode 133 where Dr. Suzana Herculano-Houzel explains how she debunked a few long standing myths about the human brain.

It all started when Dr. Suzana figured out how to accurately count neurons by making brain soup.

For decades it was assumed that the average human brain contained about 100 billion neurons but thanks to her brain soup recipe, Suzana was able to determine the actual neuron count to be 86 billion.

Apparently we are 14% dumber than we thought.

I guess is time to make some soup.

Peace, love and myelated cookies.


P.S: Confused? You can listen to Dr. Suzana Herculano-Houzel’s TED Talk HERE. She does a way better job at explaining her discoveries than I do.

P.2.: According to Quora, eating brains can make you more fat than smart.

P.3: This week’s winner of an official Grumo t-shirt is… Carol Seymour! (please reply to this email with your shirt size and address) – Do you want to win a FREE Grumo t-shirt? every week I’ll be giving away an official limited edition Grumo t-shirt to one of my readers courtesy of ShirtBattle. To enter the contest just click HERE.

P.4: Did you miss last week’s email? No problem you can read it HERE.


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