An App To Make Better Group Decisions made with Glide

Hola Grumers!

I hate spending time paralyzed in decision limbo.

This is probably why I always wear exactly the same t-shirts.

I bought twenty Grumo t-shirts, so I never have to wonder which one to wear!

But sometimes, it makes sense to devote time to important decisions such as what to name your first born, who to marry, where to live, or which job offer to accept.

Those decisions can be difficult to make.

Especially if…

  1. There are many options to choose from
  2. Multiple variables need to be taken into account for each option
  3. Some variables are more important than others
  4. Multiple people’s opinions need to be included in the decision

So what is the best way to make those decisions?

Our brains can get easily saturated trying to evaluate all options against all possible variables.

One solution would be to plot all options and variables on a spreadsheet, but unless you’re good with spreadsheets and formulas, you’ll soon be totally lost in spreadsheet hell.

The other option…

Well, that’s what I created!

It’s a new app called DCiDER.

DCiDER helps you make complex decisions as a group much easier.

Here is how it works:

  1. Create a decision (i.e. Choose baby name)
  2. Enter up to 6 unique criteria for each decision (i.e. unique, easy to spell, short, etc.)
  3. Specify how important is each criteria
  4. Enter all the available options (i.e., Peter, Alex, John, Enzo…)
  5. Invite friends/family/co-workers to rate each option
  6. Discover the top option/s
  7. Make your decision!

Here is an overview video of the app → WATCH VIDEO

Pretty cool, uh?

For the next 48 hours, you can grab a copy of this app for 50% off here →


Peace. Love. D-Cookies.

Miguel @

P.S. Want to learn how to build apps without coding? Check my new Udemy course here → Get the Course





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