Every so often I receive emails from my students telling me they’ve finished their online course after learning how to create an online course with my course.
Today, that email came from Adrian Gomez. Adrian is a LinkedIn marketing professional out of Alicante, Spain (if you haven’t been to Spain I highly recommend you visit Alicante. It’s one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Spanish Mediterranean coast.)
Here is a picture of Adrian’s course recording studio. Adrian kept things simple, exactly what I recommend for first time instructors.

I love the fact he is using a mirror (espejo) so he can check his hair situation in between takes. This is something I should’ve used on some of my courses where my hair is all over the place, ha!
Below Adrian shares with us a bit of his process creating his first online course (below that the original response in Spanish)
What is the course about?
It is a course to learn very fast and easy to handle the LinkedIn professional network, since it is a social network that is not very intuitive and more than 85% of users are made a profile, but do not know how to use the full potential to promote their personal brand . With this course students transform their profile invisible to a professional profile highlighted with a network of contacts of value.
Why did you decide to create a online course?
With effort, stumbling and lost hours I have achieved a profile of LinkedIn Influencer. Many colleagues in the network asked me how I did to reach so many people with my publications. And after giving several face-to-face workshops, the idea arose of materializing knowledge in an online course, and the people nearby seemed like a good idea and encouraged me to do so.
What was the most difficult?
Make the decision to sit down and start recording, because I had nothing clear how I would get a course with acceptable quality. I had never recorded in front of a camera and I had many fears. But when I started to record videos, I gradually understood the lessons and advice I had seen in learning courses.
I said to myself, stop delaying it, it starts already, and
What equipment (camera, audio, software) did you use to record it?
I followed Miguel’s advice, not to complicate myself.
Video: Logitech C922 Pro Stream (€ 70)
Sound: RODE SmartLav + (70 €)
Software: CAMTASIA 9 (205 €).
My recommendations:
Separate the webcam from the table, those who hit the webcam do not stop moving.
Mirror to comb in between takes for those that like with rebel hair.
Do not record the hottest days of the year, with a long, closed shirt.
How did you determine the price?
It is a 3-hour course where the student performs a transformation in 3 steps: Profile -> Generate contacts -> Successful communication actions.
I found it right to price each block at $ 25. Like when he did it face-to-face. Then all the support material, the attention to questions and the benefits of entering the platform, are part of the added value that make the student get a great satisfaction.
What will be your marketing strategy?
My strategy is to send the course to the LinkedIn network, that 85% of the profiles do not use LinkedIn correctly and are potential students. Also, everyone can come and see my profile and my successes in publications. I want to show that I can talk the talk.
I have also published the course on Hotmart to take advantage of their Affiliate Market.
What helped you most in Miguel’s course?
I am not computer literate and I have no idea how to handle software or programs. I decided to listen to Miguel and use the methodology he proposes in his course point by point. That made me try hard to solve the problems of speaking, defining classes and topics related to the course, not the techniques of recording and editing.
I have also been very motivated by his experience and I would like to be like him and to be able to say that I have done a course that unknown people have thanked and bought from me.
What other courses or sites helped you get through?
I did the Twitter for Bloggers course in UDEMY, to start using social networks with Juanmi Olivares of MasyMejor.com.
I also bought the Roxana Falasco Mailchimp course.
In addition the UDEMY platform helped me to correct course errors, sound, video, expression. etc.
The Sales Link of the course is this:
Affiliate Link (33% rappel):
Course Information Page:
Thank you very much for the opportunity and especially for the course, without him I would not have achieved this first course of many that I am going to launch.
A big hug to Miguel Hernandez!
PD, I was born in nº 130 of the Miguel Hernandez Street of Guardamar del Segura (Alicante) You had half a year sold only with your name. Hahaha.
(Answers in Spanish)
De qué va el curso?
Es un curso para aprender muy rápido y fácil a manejar la red profesional LinkedIn, ya que es una red social poco intuitiva y mas del 85% de los usuarios se hacen un perfil, pero no saben como utilizar todo el potencial para promocionar su marca personal. Con este curso los alumnos transforman su perfil de invisible a un perfil profesional destacado con una red de contactos de valor.
Por qué deciste hacer un curso?
Con esfuerzo, tropiezos y horas perdidas he conseguido un perfil de LinkedIn Influenciador. Muchos colegas de la red me preguntaban como lo hacía para llegar a tanta gente con mis publicaciones. Y después de dar varios talleres presenciales, surgió la idea de materializar el conocimiento en un curso online, y las personas cercanas les pareció buena idea y me animaron a hacerlo.
Que fue lo más difícil?
Tomar la decisión de sentarme y empezar a grabar, porque no tenia nada claro como iba a conseguir hacer un curso con calidad aceptable. Nunca había grabado frente a una cámara y tenia muchos miedos. Pero cuando empecé a grabar vídeos, poco a poco fui entendiendo las lecciones y consejos que había visto en los cursos de aprendizaje.
Me dije a mi mismo, deja de retrasarlo más empieza ya, y
Que equipo (camara, audio, software) usaste para grabarlo?
Seguí los consejos de Miguel, para no complicarme.
Video: Logitech C922 Pro Stream (70€)
Sonido: RODE SmartLav+ (70€)
Software: CAMTASIA 9 (205€).
Mis recomendaciones:
Separar la webcam de la mesa, los que pegamos golpes no dejamos de mover la webcam.
Espejo para peinarse cada en cada video los que tenemos pelo rebelde.
No grabar los días con más calor del año, con camisa larga y encerrado.
Cómo determinaste el precio que ponerle?
Es un curso de 3 horas donde el alumno realiza una transformación en 3 pasos: Perfil -> Generar contactos -> Acciones de comunicación exitosas.
Me pareció correcto valorar cada bloque en 25$. Como cuando lo hacía de forma presencial. Luego todo el material de apoyo, la atención a cuestiones y los beneficios de entrar en la plataforma, son parte del valor añadido que hacen que el alumno obtenga una gran satisfacción.
Cual va a ser tu estrategia de marketing?
Mi estrategia es enviar el curso a la red de LinkedIn, que que el 85% de los perfiles no utilizan LinkedIn correctamente y son potenciales alumnos. Ademas, todos pueden entrar y ver mi perfil y mis éxitos en las publicaciones.El movimiento se demuestra andando.
Ademas he subido el curso a Hotmart para aprovechar el Mercado de Afiliados.
Qué es lo que más te ayudó del curso de Miguel?
Yo no soy informatico y no tengo ni idea de manejar software o programas. Decidí hacer caso a Miguel y utilizar la metodología que propone en su curso punto por punto. Eso hizo que pudiera esforzarme en resolver los problemas de hablar, definir las clases y los temas relacionados con el curso, no con las técnicas de grabación y edición.
También me ha motivado mucho su experiencia y me gustaría ser como él y poder decir que he hecho un curso que gente desconocida me lo ha agradecido y comprado.
Que otros cursos o sitios te ayudaron a sacarlo adelante?
Hice el curso Twitter for Bloggers en UDEMY, para empezar a usar redes sociales con Juanmi Olivares de MasyMejor.com.
También he comprado el curso de Mailchimp de Roxana Falasco.
Además la platafrma UDEMY me ayudó a corregir errores del curso, sonido, vídeo, expresión. etc.
El Link de Venta del curso es el siguiente:
Link para afiliados (33% rappel):
Pagina de Información del curso:
Muchas gracias por la oportunidad y sobre todo por el curso, sin el no hubiera logrado este primer curso de muchos que voy a lanzar.
Un fuerte abrazo Miguel Hernandez!
PD, Yo nací en el nº 130 de la Calle Miguel Hernandez de Guardamar del Segura (Alicante) Tenias medio curso vendido solo con tu nombre. jajaja.
If you’re interested in learning how to create and sell your own online courses like Adrian? check out the same course he took to learn everything you need -> HERE
Are you one of my students? if you’ve published an online course after taking my course I’ll be happy to post your story on this blog. Just send me your a message HERE.
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