Hallelujah! This is the LAST week of Grumo’s first course creation challenge!

My most sincere congratulations if you made it this far. I know it’s been a long and tough journey. You rock!

This final week you’ll be conjuring the automation overlords to help you sell your course while you sleep, play golf, eat oatmeal cookies, or niaca-niaca with your significant one on a deserted island in the middle of the Pacific.

Here are your instructions…

WEEK 12: Set Up An Email Autoresponder Series

The last two weeks you created your freebie and the landing page where you offered your freebie.

This week you’ll write at least 3 follow up emails to be delivered automatically after your freebie.

Most people stop sending emails after the welcome email with the freebie. That’s one of the biggest mistakes you can make!

You’ll use your automated email series to build trust with your subscribers. You’ll tell more about yourself, teach them new things, help them solve their problems, and of course, promote your course or any other products that address the problems they have.

Here are 4 ideas for your automated emails:

  • Share your story. Sharing who you are, why you started your business, and who you serve is a great way to teach people about you and your business.
  • Offer a quick tip. Give your subscribers a tip they can implement in five minutes or less that lets them move forward in a noticeable way. A “quick win” makes your new fans associate your emails with getting a rewarding experience.
  • Ask a stimulating question. Ask your subscribers a question and invite them to reply to your email to answer. You could ask what they’re struggling with (related to your topic), how they found your site, or what challenges they’re facing right now. This information is also marketing gold for you — it gives you ideas for more autoresponders, blog posts, podcast episodes, and other content.
  • Provide a resource list. Present a short list of resources (sites, blogs, books, gadgets, online tools, etc.) that will help your subscribers move toward their goals. People love to know about the tools you use every day and the books you read.
  • Deliver a case study or success story. If you’ve got a compelling story about the success of a client or student who has gotten clear, measurable results from your products or services, write the story in a short case study. The case study should include advice subscribers can implement, whether or not they buy from you.

Here are your tasks for this week:

  1. Read this great article by CopyBlogger on how to create an effective email autoresponder series → HERE
  2. Download this PDF guide by FlippedLifestyle with an actual example of an email autoresponder series  → HERE
  3. Write your 3 emails for your autoresponder series.
  4. Upload your emails to your email marketing software.
  5. Activate your series so it begins to do its magic!
  6. Send me a link to a document with your 3 (or more) emails here → (Link on your email)


A large portion of digital marketing is learning how to write great emails. That’s a science in itself and well beyond the scope of this challenge. However, if you’re interested in learning a bit more, here are 3 resources that will give you a good overview of how to take your email automation to the next level:


  • Week 12 Submission Deadline: Oct 20th, 2017 (midnight PST)
  • Submission Link → (Provided via email)
  • Assignment: Send me a link to a document with your 3 (or more) automated emails.


  • Keep track of the full 12-week curriculum HERE
  • Check everyone’s progress HERE.
  • Learn the basics of how to create an online course in 1 hour HERE.
  • Join the Facebook Grumo Instructors Club HERE
  • Get personalized feedback from me HERE


We’re almost done with this challenge and I’d love to hear what this experience has meant to you so far.

Would you like to participate on future challenges? What else would you like to work on?

Just write to miguel@grumo.com with your feedback.

Muchas thanks!

Peace, Love, and Autoresponder-Cookies.


P.S: Do you want to share your course? By now about 20 of you have completed their courses. If you want me to share your course with the rest of the group make sure to submit a link to it -> HERE


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